22 Feb 2017
Brock Ellis
ionic code

Ionic 2 Text Area Height

tl;dr Making an ion-textarea grow to match containers height

Back story

I have a popover that appears over a page where users can enter custom notes that will get saved in storage. The popover is really just a page with a header, footer and a content area with an ion-textarea. The problem is that the ion-textarea was creating a native textarea input after initialization and that textarea wasn’t filling up all of the available vertical space.

No rows for me

I know that usually you set the height of a textarea by settings the cols and rows attributes, but I just wanted the textarea to be as large as can be in the given space. After playing around and seeing how Ionic took the ion-textarea and masked the native textarea, I knew it was time to get into the weeds: a custom directive.

This directive is super simple. It grabs the nativeElement after the view has been initialized, finds the textarea that it created and sets the height style to 100%.

The directive:

import {ElementRef, Directive} from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[elastic]'
export class Elastic {

  constructor(public element:ElementRef){
    this.element = element;

    this.element.nativeElement.querySelector("textarea").style.height = "100%";


And it is used like so:



  <ion-textarea elastic [(ngModel)]="noteContent"></ion-textarea>



The hardest part to figure out was that I had to use the ngAfterViewInit lifecycle event. My other custom directives have all used the ngOnInit so it was a good time to learn the rest of the lifecycle events that Angular offers.

Also, remember to add your custom directives to your module import statements! I initially forgot that and for 5 minutes I was very confused as to why it wasn’t working… :D