02 Aug 2016
Brock Ellis
work ionic2 tabs

Ionic 2 Multiple Tab Dynamic Selection

tl;dr Two sets of Ionic 2 tabs and two hours later…


I am working on an Ionic 2 application that has two Tab components. Each tab component has 2 page components. Let’s try and come up with a visual, shall we?

Tab 1
|            |                   |
|  Work (A)  |    Personal (B)   |
|            |                   |

Tab 2
|             |                  |
|  Inbox (C)  |    Outbox (D)    |
|             |                  |


A user logs in and selects “Personal (B)”. The app changes to Tab 2 and allows them to peruse their “Inbox (C)” and “Outbox (D)” as their leisure. When they are done checking their email, they want to get back to Tab 1 which is the main navigation for the app.

I had added the following to the header of “Inbox (C)” and “Outbox (D)” to allow navigation back to the previous tabs (Tab 1):

  <ion-navbar primary>
    <ion-buttons left>
       <button (click)="navigateToMainMenu()">
         <ion-icon name="arrow-back"></ion-icon>
      //have to reset the parent's navigation back to the main TabsPage
      //look here for more info: https://webcake.co/exploring-nav-hierarchy-in-the-ionic-2-tabs-page/

As you can see in my comments, I had to access the rootNav before setting the root to the MainTabsPage (which is Tab 1 from the diagrams above). The issue with this is that it would always direct the user back to the “Work (A)” component. The user got to the Tab 2 from “Personal (B)” so taking them back to A is not a super UX.

I spent way too many hours Googling and cruising the Ionic forums for answers, when I stumbled upon this little gem in the documentation for setRoot:

When setting the root page, you can pass along parameters!

So I quickly adjusted my code to send through an index that would be used in Tab 1 to change the tab to “Personal (B)” like so:

    this.nav.rootNav.setRoot(MainTabsPage, {tabIndex: 1});

And then inside of the MainTabsPage component, I import NavParams and set it in the constructor and fetch the tabIndex. If tabIndex is present, I use that set which tab is currently selected using property binding.

  export class MainTabsPage {
    private tab1Root: any;
    private tab2Root: any;
    public tabIndex:Number = 0;

    constructor(public params:NavParams) {
      let tabIndex = this.params.get('tabIndex');
        this.tabIndex = tabIndex;

Here is the attribute binding in the template:

  <ion-tabs [selectedIndex]='tabIndex' #myTabs id="myTabs">
    <ion-tab [root]="tab1Root" tabTitle="Work" tabIcon="home"></ion-tab>
    <ion-tab [root]="tab2Root" tabTitle="Personal" tabIcon="person"></ion-tab>

Boom. Navigating from Tab 2 takes you back to “Personal (B)”. Phew.

Hacker ethos, FTW

Tonight was supposed to be so productive. Changing what tab was selected when navigating back to Tab 1 was supposed to be a 5 minute fix before I could get to the real work for tonight. Guess the coding gods had other plans.

In my head it didn’t seem like that hard of a concept, but there didn’t seem to be any resources on the interwebz addressing this same scenario. This feels hacky and somewhere, deep down in my bones, I feel there is a better way to do this (or a better way to architect the app so this isn’t an issue) but my hope is that this blog post helps someone else out in their hour of need.