tl;dr Don’t just sit there and enjoy sudden motivation; USE IT!
Today I had a very encouraging meeting. Generally, meetings are drawn out, boring and if I’m lucky, something actionable can be taken away but today was different. After today’s meeting, I felt like nothing could bring me down. I was energized. I felt fire in my veins. I wanted to change the world.
And then I went to WalMart. For grocerries. And ate a Wendy’s hamburger.
I lost it. Just a few hours after I was on top of the world and felt like I could do anything I put my mind to, I came back down to Earth. And hard.
That kind of inspiration is very rare. When it happens, you need to capitalize on it. Action needs to be taken in some form. Write about your zeal. Blog about the fervor that you feel. Make a phone call/send a tweet/talk to someone about it. Spread that glorious fire! It is infectious and just as rare for others to feel.
When you’re on top of the world and have the drive to accomplish great things, don’t just sit back and enjoy the feeling because it will eventually die off. Instead, do something to keep that fire lit.