01 Jan 2014
Brock Ellis

A great way to begin a new year

The new year isn't even twenty-four hours old yet and already it's been a great year.

  1. I finished a book. A few months ago, my best bud Nick (@schrecknk) gave me a copy of The Fantasy Life by Matthew Berry. The book is about Matthew's (otherwise known as The Talented Mr. Roto, or TMR) rise from lowly Hollywood script writer to the fantasy sports guru of the world. The book is made up of hundreds of stories Berry has heard about over the last two decades as well as stories from his personal life. At first I thought that the book would be great 'throne' reading, but after a few chapters it quickly became 'cant put it down' reading. The book is a quick read and very entertaining, especially for someone who is smitten by fantasy football.
  2. We got to see some old friends today. One of my wife's closest college friends, who recently moved to Michigan, visited good 'ole Nebraska for New Years. We were fortunate enough to be able to catch lunch with them today. It was really fun to catch up with her and her husband. The baby made the 30 minute trip into Omaha without fuss and even fell asleep in the car on the way home. A great trip all around.
  3. The Nebraska Huskers one a bowl game. For those who don't know, I am a diehard Husker fan (check out standwithbo.com if you don't believe me). Nebraska had lost the last three bowl games they have played in, so we were due for a win. I got to watch the first half of the game while I was laying on the couch, covered in a blanket and reading a book (see #1 above). One dog under the blanket and one on the back of the couch, both sleeping and dreaming of what I can only imagine is running a marathon. Baby taking a long, 2 hour nap and wife doing whatever she darn well pleases.

I think this will go down as one of the best New Year's days in my short, short life.