I am a hard person to get a hold of sometimes. This is on purpose.
This is actually very intentional on my part. I own a cell phone. I work 9-5 on a computer. I have no less than 3 internet connected devices within arms reach of me at all times when at home. Let me run down the list of ways people can get a hold of me:
- text message via cell phones
- email to one of 3 accounts synced to cell phone
- skype which is installe on every computer I own
- Facebook message which notifies me when contacted
- Tweet, which also notifies me on all connected devices
- message through any of the social games that I try to play
- good old fashioned phone call
What do you notice about this list? Answer: most of these methods can be or are exclusively used through a cell phone. I carry my phone on me at all times so I can be that connected. I feel naked with out it. If I lost it, my life would probably end until replaced.
I find myself more and more often intentionally leaving my phone either on silent or in a different room from the one that I am in. I do this because I have started to feel overly distracted. I am always checking my phone- for notifications, updates, status feeds. Things that don't really matter. The problem is that the level of connectedness that I have with my cell phone is making me not connected to the moment.
Now that I have a daughter I am very aware of when I am distracted. When with my daughter, I have tried to adopt the 'throw' mentality. If possible, I will toss my phone away from me. On to the couch across the room, on the table a few feet away or on the bed in the other room. Close enough that I will be able to hear it if needed but far away enough so that I am not absorbed into the connectedness void.
It wasn't so long ago that you had to go knock on your friends door if you wanted to play. Ten years ago, if you had to get ahold of someone, you had to know where they were at and look the number up in the yellow pages. We are a more connected people than we have ever been in human history. We need to make sure it doesn't kill our ability to **disconnect and engage in the moment.**
Oh, also, if you're interested in how to use Markup, like the kind used in Jekyll, check out [this](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics) website.