I am terrible at sticking with things. Dieting, drinking more water and blogging. Terrible. All of it.
If you couldn’t tell, I did some rearranging of the blog a few weeks ago. The old blog was a pretty straight forward CRUD/PHP job that wasn’t anything spectacular. I used it to learn a lot of things (ajax forms, file uploading, integration with Disqus) but in the end the code was sloppy and unstructured. Party due to my learning-as-i-go style and partly because there was so much time inbetween updates.
I made the switch to Jekyll because it intrigued me. I had no idea what a ‘static site generator’ was and why it was good. I have been a pretty big proponent of Wordpress and something heralded as the ‘wordpress killer for devs’ piqued my interest.
Jekyll has not disappointed. So far, I love it. The flexible front matter tags are awesome to work with. I created a custom tag for all the static pages and added one on posts for image use. The ability to host it right off of Github is awesome (and gives me some sweet dev cred).
I’m still a super novice with ruby which I aim to address in the future. I am fairly certain of my PHP abilities at this point, and when I need to get something done fast, it will really be hard not to fall back on that crutch. It’s like my daughter, Ansleigh. She’s starting to learn to walk, but when she really wants to get somewhere she always ends up on her butt scooting around. It’s going to be really hard for her to learn to walk because she’s so efficient at scooting. Same with me and learning a new language. Learning Ruby on Rails is going to be amazing in the long run, but the temptation to revert back to what is comfortable will be there for a while.
All in all, I can’t wait to get better at life. Parenting, coding, blogging. All of it. I can’t wait.
function oohahh($gasp) {
return "This is how this works..." . $gasp;